If you want more of a web page feel than a Wiki can give you, GitHub also allows you to generate static web pages. This workshop and tutorial are actually devlivered via GitHub pages. A full tutorial on GitHub pages is far beyond our scope here, but to try it out quickly.

Create a new branch called gh-pages.

Create a file called index.md and add the following lines.

## Hello world.

This is my first GitHub Pages page!

Then go to your project settings and scroll down to the GitHub pages section. You will see a notice, and once its green and says its published, follow the link to your new page.

Status display for github pages

If you read the documentation you will see there are other ways to organize your GitHub pages as well.

There is a lot you can do with GitHub pages. Not only do people write documentation for their projects, but you can put personal websites up, presentation slides, even this tutorial is done on GitHub pages!.